
86服饰网 2023-06-12 04:23 编辑:admin 246阅读

1、high heels英 [ˌhaɪ ˈhiːlz] 美 [ˌhaɪ ˈhiːlz] n.(女)高跟鞋例句:Mom wore a pair of black high heels shoes yesterday. 妈妈昨天穿了一双黑色的高跟鞋。

2、high-heeled shoes英 [haɪ hiːld ʃuːz] 美 [haɪ hiːld ʃuːz] 高跟鞋例句:The street vendor suggested that I should buy the high-heeled shoes in coffee. 摊贩老板建议我应该买那双咖啡色的高跟鞋。常见女鞋英文表达方式1、wedges 坡跟鞋例句:-What do you think of girls wearing wedges?-Well, not really my tea.But I guess they're popularfor a reason.-额,不是我的菜。但那么流行肯定有原因。2、ballerina flats平底鞋例句:-How much are theseballerina flats you bought?

3、platform shoes厚底鞋作为一个直男真的欣赏不来厚底鞋。